Specialist and Effective Couples Counselling, Marriage Therapy and Family Counselling services in Vancouver, BC.
Couples & Marriage Counselling
Our message is that there is hope. Even if you have been in conflict for what seems like forever, you can find healing and resolution. We are experts at helping couples learn to communicate to reduce misunderstandings and to develop a deeper bond through compassionate dialogue.
Below are some examples of the tools and techniques in couples counselling that we will introduce you and your partner to. These tools are the result of years of research into effective relationships and are designed to help you both resolve conflict and build connection.
Each couple is unique and we do not ascribe to a "one size fits all" approach. Therefore your counsellor will build a therapy plan that takes into account the nature of your issues and your unique needs. Below are examples of what might be a fit for you. Any questions? Please call (604) 307-6050 and we will be happy to help.
The Couples Dialogue
Your counsellor will teach and facilitate the relationship transforming Couples Dialogue, a powerful communication tool, to help make the changes needed to get your relationship back on track. The Couples Dialogue is a communicating and listening framework that serves to create safety, authentic sharing of self and a healing connection through which relationship challenges and roadblocks can be work through effectively. It is the foundation of the ‘Couple Team’ and will be the most essential tool you will gain through couples counselling with us.
"The Couples Dialogue aims to create a safe and equal opportunity to slow communication between partners so that they can truly hear each other and begin to understand each other’s world. Such understanding naturally leads to greater empathy and connection. Parallel monologues, on the other hand, is what so many of us do with each other and only leads to compliance and depression or rebellion and anger." (Hendrix)
Couples goes through many different and unique challenges together but the couples dialogue is the way that healthy couples work these challenges through. Your counsellor will be able to spot fairly early on, sometimes within the first few minutes, where your communication is going wrong. Conflict dependent couples will learn to stop ‘dirty fighting’ and conflict-avoidant couples will learn how to make their relationship come alive again. Through working with us, it will become clear why you both have been struggling so much and we guarantee you will see how using this vital tool will reduce the difficulties you have.
Positive Relating strategies
Our transformational approach incorporates positive action alongside the work on resolving conflicts. What this means is that we will work with you both to come up with ways you can start reconnecting via play, couple dates, mindful couple activities, building your couple vision, learning to appreciate and learning how to support one another. Our brains tend to be prone to repeating what we know so this is an important part of relationship recovery work. Practicing this positive neural-pathway building work will help you transcend old wiring and build new healthy and more satisfying ones. We will guide you and support you along the way and help you to build in new behaviors that are manageable and bring you closer together.
Contact us today to get your relationship where you want it to be.
Call (604) 307-6050 or contact us here to book your couples, family or individual counselling appointment today!
Have some questions? Book a free in-person or phone consultation with one of our team to learn more about how we can help you get back on track.